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  Logo Colors

Logo Colors
"Commentary by Gene"

Gold stands for Heaven and it's streets of gold. This will be our eternal home. John 14:2

We have
experienced that people, whether they go to Church or not, have an idea of Heaven, or have heard of Heaven.

Navy stands for sin or darkness associated with Hell.  We all do things we shouldn't. This makes GOD sad. Romans 3:23

We also have observed that people, whether they go to Church or not, have an idea about or have heard of Hell. In fact many feel that they may wind up there because they are not good enough nor can they figure out how they can become good enough to get to Heaven.  And, thus they resolve there is no use to even try.  

White stands for cleansing.  The moment we accept Jesus as our Savior, He washes away all our sins. Psalm 51:7

Many people have lulled themselves into believing that they can never get to Heaven and are destined for hell and feel that way only because no one like us, has ever told them that they can be made "white as snow" and be forgiven for their sins by the blood of Jesus.  Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. That was the mission that His Father gave to Him.  The mission of the Holy Spirit is to convict of sin and to soften and prepare hearts of the lost to accept Jesus as their Savior.  Our mission is tell them about His saving Grace and to tell them that Jesus is the only way to God the Father and eternal life with Him. 

Red stands for the blood Jesus shed for our sins when he died on the Cross.  1 John1:7

It is because of the blood that Jesus shed to pay for the sin debt of the world and through the power of His resurrection that we are made "white as snow."  Our sins are forgiven and forgotten by Him and our Heavenly Father when we invite Jesus into our hearts. Jesus death and resurrection paid our sin debt in full!

Green stands for growing in our love relationship with Jesus.  2 Peter 3:18

Whether a person is four years old or eighty when they accept Jesus into their heart as Lord and Savior they both enter the kingdom as new babes.  Some will grow much faster and stronger in their relationship with Jesus than others will. This is determined by how much time they spend reading, hearing and meditating on the Word of God from the Bible.

YL stands for saying YES LORD and acceptingJesus as your Lord and Savior. He will forgive your sins and cleanse you so you can live a new life in Him.

This is the most important block in our logo colors.  It's there to encourage and remind people to ask for the order and  to say "Wouldn't you like to invite Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior?"  So often we find that people who are sharing Jesus and the plan of Salvation go through the whole thing and never get around to asking the question of the person they are sharing with, "Do you remember a time when you invited Jesus into your heart?  If you don't remember then maybe now is the time!"  This question or invitation needs to be asked!  If we don't ask for the order we will never get it!  Time after time we have asked this very question and have found that people will say "I have never done that, I guess now is the time!"  Jesus just doesn't jump in, He has to be invited in.  If people never hear the question "Would you like to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your life and be your Lord and Savior?"  They will go through life and on that final Judgment Day hear Jesus say "Depart from hear for I do not know you." We know that you would not want to feel you had the opportunity to ask the question but never did!  The person that you ask the question of will be eternally grateful that you did what Jesus directed you to do!  Do it and be blessed!!!