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YES LORD Wiorld .com
makes it so "simple" to
 share Jesus with others!

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From the Master's Hand
Poems & Books by Barbara A. Hoff


Since 1937

Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. Ò
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 Red Shoes World Ministry 



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 Bless America


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WWant GOD to heal and bless America?

Here's what we need to do!

2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV

If My people, who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Say "YES LORD" to this!

Here we stand - An Evangelical Decloration on Marriage

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How YES LORD Witness Wear began.....

In 1983 our children had me design the "YES LORD" necklace for Mother's Day for their mother Barbara.  She said "YES LORD" to a calling from God.  He burdened her heart to share Christ with students in a public high school.  In six weeks 71 teenagers came to her and said "YES LORD" to receiving Christ as their Savior.

Many since then have asked Barbara what her "Y
ES LORD" necklace meant.  She explains in a simple way how one can receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.  The "YES LORD" logo was designed to make it simple for others to share Jesus.

Why don't you say "YES LORD" and spread the Word?


Print FREE Brochure and share with a friend, your Bible study or church group!

In addition to clothing items in our Online Store

you'll find Books and Poems by author Barbara A Hoff

and her original items of Gold and Silver jewelry.



501 (c)


YES LORD World .com is hosting the RED SHOES WORLD MINISTRY, INC. website

as a donation to them.

To learn about RED SHOES WORLD MINISTRY or to donate to them click on their Logo



Social Networking Links

Gene & Barbara, Founders

YES LORD World .com Barbara A. Hoff, Author

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"View Our Posts"
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TV Interviews
with Barbara on
"The Herman and Sharron Show" on CTN
"Yes Lord I'm Available" "Treasures In the Storm"


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Our prayer for you is that you will allow JESUS to be your LORD and SAVIOR!

Site Updated 2/14/2025